Update: Meeting location and day of the week is changing again!

The Ottawa Association of People Who Stutter will meet this week Wednesday, February 15th, 7:00 – 8:30pm. We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. The next meetings will be March 1 and 15.

This meeting will be a little bit more informal, as we don’t have the meeting room at the library.

We will meet at the entrance of the Ottawa Public Library Main Branch at 120 Metcalfe St, Ottawa. Since the room was unavailable this week, we will meet first at the main entrance of the building at 7pm and then move to a cafe nearby.

New meetings: New day, New location!

We are pleased to announce that our group has a new dynamic leader who has revamped our meetings and agenda. Camilo recently moved to Ottawa and he is bringing fresh ideas and new commitment to our group.

OAPWS plans to meet at the The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre, 1750 Russell Rd, Ottawa, this Thursday, November 3rd. Camilo will personally meet people at the main entrance of the Centre at 7pm, and then move to the meeting room. Continue reading “New meetings: New day, New location!”

Next Intensive Group Treatment Clinic

…for Stuttering at the University of Ottawa’s Health Services Department

The next intensive group treatment clinic for stuttering will take place July 11th-29th, 2016. The clinic is held at the University of Ottawa Health Sciences building, at 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, and runs Monday-Friday, 9:00-3:00 p.m. The Clinic will be coordinated by speech pathologist Caroline Bredeson who coordinated the program when it was offered at the Ottawa Hospital’s Rehab Centre.

There is still space for full-time clients in this clinic, Continue reading “Next Intensive Group Treatment Clinic”

Ottawa University’s Upcoming Stuttering Treatment Programs

The first intensive treatment clinic of 2016, “under new management” with the University of Ottawa Health Services (UOHS), will be held April 25th to May 10th. Another clinic will be offered this summer from July 10th to July 26th.

In addition to some full-time clients, we are looking to fill this clinic with a few people interested in a one or two-day refresher session. The cost will be $116 per day, for which you will be billed by the UOHS. Continue reading “Ottawa University’s Upcoming Stuttering Treatment Programs”

Ottawa Hospital To Close Its Stuttering Treatment Clinic After 43 Years!

In its recent round of funding cuts Dr. Jack Kitts CEO of the Ottawa Hospital announced that the Stuttering Treatment Clinic will close at the end of October 2015.

Reasons given by the Hospital for closing the clinic are that stuttering is not an illness requiring medical expertise and that the Hospital’s mandate is to care for Eastern Ontario’s “sickest” individuals and to not fund services that can be provided in the community.

Members of the Ottawa Association of People Who Stutter (OAPWS) have written to Dr. Kitts requesting a meeting with either him or one of his senior staff to discuss the reasons behind the closure and to suggest a delay in the closing date.


How Important Is The Stuttering Treatment Clinic To People Who Stutter? Continue reading “Ottawa Hospital To Close Its Stuttering Treatment Clinic After 43 Years!”