All too often we give thanks to our speech path, our fellow PWS (people who stutter), and our close friends for their patience and support; this includes before, during and after therapy.
Unfortunately, we usually forget to include those closest to us, our partners, other members of our immediate and extended families, and even our pets.
Our partners are there 24/7, giving us encouragement and reminders, sometimes to the point of exhaustion and frustration, that we aren’t using our skills. We’re ready to thank everyone else, but our families are often over-looked. They have been there sharing our pain before therapy, having the patience trying to learn what we are learning through therapy, and trying to get us to do what we should be doing after therapy.
And our pets. How often have we stuttered when we call our pets by name (even after therapy)? They come (or don’t come) as they see fit, but it isn’t because of the stutter; it’s because they are with us through thick and thin. They don’t care if we stutter; they just care about us.
So to my immediate and extended families, and to my pets, I say ‘thank you’ for being there for me when I’m not even there for myself. You have shown you care and for that, I am so grateful. And I will try, but please be there to help me through the rough days, hours and minutes.