OAPWS is participating in the 2013 Ottawa Race Weekend as members of the Stuttering Treatment Clinic Team. This event is one of Canada’s most prestigious race events of the year and takes place on May 25h & 26th. The Team is under the umbrella of the Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s (OHF) “Run For A Reason” campaign.

Money we raise will go directly to the Marie Poulos Bursary Fund which enables teens and adults attend speech therapy programs at the Stuttering Treatment Clinic. This clinic is located at the Rehab Centre of the Ottawa General Hospital and is only one of three such facilities in Canada to offer semi-intensive and intensive therapy programs for individuals who stutter.

The bursary fund is named in honour of Marie Poulos, a speechlanguage pathologist who worked at the Clinic from 1979 until she was tragically killed in a car accident in 1991. Several members of OAPWS actually knew Marie in the 1990s and can testify first hand what a wonderful speech therapist she was.

You can help us reach our goal of raising $5000 by sponsoring our team.   Go directly to our team’s fundraising page click at:

1. Go to

2.  Click on Sponsor a team.

4. In the find box, enter The Stuttering Treatment Clinic and it will take you to a link that has our team\s name on it.

5. Click on the team’s name and it will bring you to our team’s fundraising  page where you can sponsor our team.


If you know an individual on the team and prefer to sponsor them click on their name.

Any donation no matter how small will help individuals who stutter receive the therapy they need. Donations of $15 or more are eligible for a tax receipt from the Ottawa Hospital Foundation.

All monies raise go directly into the Marie Poulos Bursary Fund. There are no administration fees.


We also have pledge forms if you wish to donate by cheque or cash. E-mail me at

Let’s make a difference in the lives of people who stutter. Join our team!


Published by David Burton

I first took speech therapy some 30 years ago in Ottawa and recently completed a semi-intensive course at the Ottawa Stuttering Treatment Clinic. I am an active member of OAPWS and appreciate the support and sharing of common experiences.

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