Our next self-help group meeting on January 19 will discuss stuttering and openness in relationships: how open are we about our stuttering with our family, with our spouse, close friends or even co-workers?
Members of the group have been invited to bring a guest to the meeting to discuss this issue. We invite other people who stutter to attend as well. You are also invited to bring a friend or family member with you but that is not required to attend and join in the discussion.
You can also give us your feedback on stuttering and relationships by registering on our website and posting your comments. Do you find it easy to be open with others about your stuttering? Is there anyone close to you who you have never told that you stutter? Or that you may have taken or are still engaged in speech therapy? Or are you the spouse or friend of someone who stutters and you wish he or she would be more open about their stuttering?
We want to hear from you!
Our meetings are held at Lakeside Gardens and take place the first and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at Lakeside Gardens. For further information send us an e-mail or call Norm at 613-226-7001.